Nowadays young people know less about tradition and culture than in the past. But have we think why it happened?
It is true that the younger generation today is less accustomed to their cultural roots and tradition than their peers were in the past. The reason of this is globalization and convenience of networking, this is neither bad or good, it's just a thing we have to watch out when the younger generation slowly forget about the culture.
“We get inspired by the fancy runway culture and artistic magazine editorial shot a lot, it seems like everything is a trend. Trend is something designers create but it's definitely not something designers should copy from.”
The bride in the pictures was born in Taiwan and married to his husband who's an Asian born in America. The bride tried all the gowns from my evening collection 2018, but there's no doubt, she picked the more cultural gown for her best memory in her life.
One of my best elder friend told me "Design from your root and play with it but don't forget about it, one day your audiences will find you."
This particular design is not only a beautiful dress, but also represents the culture that some of us almost forget about it. The graphic from the dress symbolizes blessing and happiness, this is the best surprise I want to give to the one who choose to wear as a designer.